ดาวหาง Elenin / Nibiru (planet X) - Elenin - Events

ในห้อง 'ภัยพิบัติและการเตรียมการ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Falkman, 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011.

  1. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005


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    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 30 สิงหาคม 2011
  2. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    *Two Suns?* NIBIRU - Brown Dwarf coming or... a lenz filtered flare?






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    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 30 สิงหาคม 2011
  3. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    ภาพ Nibiru จากกล้องฮับเบิ้ล รูปร่าง + สี ของ Nibiru คล้ายกับคลิ๊ปข้างบนมากๆ



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    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 30 สิงหาคม 2011
  4. patratyon

    patratyon เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    22 มีนาคม 2011

    B1. 29-08-2011

    รายงานดาวหาง Elenin เริ่มมีขนาดที่เล็กลง http://spaceweather.com/

  5. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Elenin 3/15/2011: Photo Hoax

    [​IMG]Tuesday, 15 March 2011 12:29 | [​IMG]Written by Administrator | [​IMG] | [​IMG] | [​IMG]

    Well, I am feeling much better than I was when I started the first article. Still have a pretty bad cough going on, but no more 103 fever!

    As I said before this picture:


    Is definitely a fake. Let me explain. Supposedly, this picture was taken inside the last few months as evidence of Elenin. When I was sick last week, I watch a video on Netflix called "Dan Aykroyd: Unplugged on UFOs". You can watch clips of it here: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfDyWZmMtqg"]YouTube.com[/ame]. During the video, I saw THIS EXACT PICTURE taken as evidence of UFOs. That documentary was made in 2005 - almost 6 YEARS before Elenin was claimed to be discovered. To be perfectly honest, I am not 100% sure on how anyone could mistake this photo for one of a comet.

    Just goes to show you how idiotic claims can be without evidence to back them up.

    Now, I am going to show you the second photo of this alleged comet and how it too is a fake. And as I dig deeper into the Elenin thing, I am no longer afraid of a comet smashing into the planet...more of concerned about who or why such an elaborate hoax is being perpetrated.

    The next photo of Elenin, although it is more believable, is a false photo as well. This time, I didn't see it on some random show or documentary. In fact, I was doing research about the comet when it clicked in my minds eye how this photo could not be real either:


    According to this photo, we are able to see much of the tail and the Sun's position would have to be below bottom right of the photograph (a comets tail will always be opposite of the sun - because it is the sun blasting material off of the comet which gives it a tail).

    The tail is on the wrong side. In order for this picture to be true, Earth would have to be on the left of this comet in order to see a tail being produced to the left by the Sun (which would be on the right of the comet). According to the JPL Small-Body Database Browser on NASA's website, Earth was on the right of the comet in December. In fact, this picture wouldn't be true until April of 2011, when Earth moves into a position to see the tail this way. Now grant it, my evidence for this photo being a fake is failry thin...but I assure you, I am still digging up what I can.

    I admit, this photo could easily be legit and only inverted through photographic means accidentaly and then went viral on the internet as truth.

    But there is something about its positioning that doesn't make sense to me.

    A second reason why I beleive this photo to be faked (but will keep digging until I have evidence) is because the origins of the pic are next to impossible to find. After searching NASA and Space.com, neither of those websites have photographic evidence that this is the real pic. And as for Elenin, Space.com has a nice article refering to a totally different comet than the one Leonid Elenin supposedly discovered.



    The more digging I do into this subject, the more and more it fails to make sense. According to the JPL Browser, Elenin is C/2010 X1. Space.com's article about Loenid Elenin states that he found C/2010 V1 - comet Ikeya-Murakami. However, according to the JPL, Ikeya-Murakami is P/2010 V1 and comes no where near our orbit. The closest it comes to Earth is roughly the Mars plane. Its picture is to the right. Three seperate pics claiming to be Elenin and niether one looks like the other.

    Last Updated (Tuesday, 15 March 2011 13:27)
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  6. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Elenin 3/16/2011: Finding More Nonsense

    [​IMG]Wednesday, 16 March 2011 11:28 | [​IMG]Written by Administrator | [​IMG] | [​IMG] | [​IMG]

    Guess what? March 15, 2011 came and gone and NOTHING HAPPENED! If you are unaware, we were supposed to have pole-shifts, Earth-quakes and/or mass hysteria yesterday. Reminds me of December 31, 1999.

    Anyway, so my search for evidence continues. I suppose my biggest issue that I am having, is that no media coverage of any kind is available. I have been searching for weeks now with nothing but hear-say and paranoid delusions. If it is as big of a deal, then why nothing on the news? With how viral this whole Elenin thing has been on the web, you'd think someone at CNN, MSNBC, or god forbid Fox, would have done something on it. Although, if Fox was doing it, the Elenin would be a space ship coming back to pick up President Obama (there is your missing birth certificate story, Fox...he's an Alien!).

    A few forums popped up in my search some claiming that local channels did a story, but now they were pulled and you can't even find the cache now. How convenient. So, I am to believe someone I don't know to tell me that there is a story out there that doesn't exist on some chat forum? If there is a local story out there covering Elenin, I would love to know about it and see it for myself.


    I decided to start with NASA.gov - a fairly obvious choice I thought. I mean, who else would have better information about Elenin than NASA? Unfortunately, I am at an impassible wall with nasa.gov. Seems like the only articles I can find on the subject are the "Ask an Astrobiologist", and they are referring to WikiPedia.com for information regarding Elenin. Wouldn't it stand to reason that NASA of all groups would be the one to have the mother load of information regarding a comet that is going to get as close to us as this one? Grant it, .22 AU is still a little more than a fifth of the way between Earth and the Sun, but with all of the internet hype, you'd think NASA would be the ones to quell any miss-intelligence.

    Skyandtelescope.com has an article referring to Leonid Elenin and his supposed comet (click here for link), but they too are using the fake UFO picture as a pic of the comet. After reading the article, I am fairly certain that the author (Kelly Beatty) didn't bother researching facts and just regurgitated hear-say of something he read online and not based on any known facts.
    Eyes on the Solar System is a pretty cool web-based app utilizing Unity Player. However, I have only been playing with it for a few minutes and will go more detailed with it later tonight. I am still informationally challenged in regards to Elenin...

    Last Updated (Wednesday, 16 March 2011 15:18)
  7. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Elenin 3/23/2011: Finding Some Kind of Facts

    [​IMG]Wednesday, 23 March 2011 12:49 | [​IMG]Written by Administrator | [​IMG] | [​IMG] | [​IMG]

    As I continue my search for substantial evidence that this comet Elenin exists, I see that Discovery.com has an article featuring it. Now, according to the article, it was posted Yesterday (3/22/2011) and using one of the pics I showed you in an earlier article of what Elenin supposedly looks like. While the article is well written and sheds light on the real facts of how a comet doesn't affect Earth in any way, the information it has regarding Elenin itself looks regurgitated from the 20+ websites I have read with no real basis of it being real. I have yet to see a picture of Elenin other than the three I posted earlier.

    Here is a bit of news for you. Some are under the impression that Elenin is Nibiru (the planet coming to wipe us out next year). Some of those believers are also under the impression that all of those YouTube videos of two suns is actually Nibiru. According to the JPL website, we are in between Elenin and the Sun. [​IMG]There is no possible way that Elenin (or Nibiru) could be the object as a second Sun unless A, the JPL website diagram is WAY off, or B Something else is on the other side of our solar system behind our Sun, or C People are just full of crap and want to believe so badly that something is going to happen that they are matrixing every image they see (taking a photograph and seeing objects in it that aren't really there - much like seeing objects in clouds).
    Until I discover otherwise, the JPL Diagram will have to be my basis of subjugating all other evidences. So, from my point of view (and I will admit if I am wrong) there is no possible way that Elenin is remotely connected to this "Second Sun" sighting that has been infectious on YouTube.

    Could the "Second Sun" be a third gunman? (Elenin, Nibiru, Second Sun) - SARCASM

    My search continues...

    Last Updated (Wednesday, 23 March 2011 14:54)
  8. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    FAKE Comet Elenin picture! Help deny ignorance, page 1

    Pages: << 1 2 >>
    ATS Members have flagged this thread 40 times
    Topic started on 15-4-2011 @ 06:07 PM by pazcat OK, this has been bugging me since I found it out the other day and basically I'm sick of bringing it up so I thought I'd make a thread about it for future reference.
    Not only that I think it is our duty as members of ATS to 'Deny Ignorance' wherever possible, especially when dealing with fraudulant information.

    The following picture is NOT a picture of Comet Elenin!


    So with Comet Elenin being the big thing on ATS at the moment with many threads concerning it in one way or another I have noticed that these threads are constantly having links provided in them that contains the above picture, a supposed picture of Elenin(it's not). Yet after doing a little browsing of google images I have found the original source of this photo to be infact Comet 81P/Wild.

    The original photo can be seen below and was taken by Steve E. Farmer Jr of the Tzec Maun [COLOR=#e0e060 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#e0e060 !important][FONT=inherit !important]Observatory[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] and he should be credited for that and it should be stated that it is a photo of Comet Wild.



    Now it is plain as day that when you compare the two pictures they are one and the same only that one of them has been changed in photoshop to add a bit of colour and the word 'Comet Elenin'. I haven't been able to reasonably trace back the source to the person responsible for this deception but it could easily of all sprouted from the article below written by the same Steve Farmer who took the photograph.

    Back on christmas day last year he wrote the article about the then recently discovered Comet Elenin and added the picture of Comet Wild as a reference picture. It was clearly printed on the blog that it was Comet Wild and not Elenin.
    So it would seem that somebody had come across that page in their desperate search for a picture of Elenin and decided to lift the picture and rename the comet it shows. It could likely be an honest mistake but given the trouble that has been gone too modify the picture I doubt it was anybody else but a charlatan.

    For interests sake these are some actual pictures of Comet Elenin.




    All of the above pictures were sourced from here.... www.theastronomer.org...
    Scroll down the page until you find the Elenin section, there are more photos there as well.

    And here is a short youtube video of Elenin.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rwdXazucGo"]YouTube Link[/ame]​

    And even more pictures can be found here...

    Here is what bothers me most about this, (I will give some links further down to just a handful of websites, mainly blogs that are hosting this picture as a picture of Elenin) it's the fact that it is being used so widely from people trying to give us genuine scientific information to those talking about pole shifts and brown dwarfs. It seems like one colossal copy and paste job that needs to stop.

    And this is where ATS and you the members can come in, we can set the record straight and live up to the tagline of 'Deny Ignorance' that is this websites motto.
    If you come across a link that has this photo on it post the link here and if there is a comments section post a comment with the real photo linked that shows it is infact Comet Wild.
    By doing this hopefully we can educate those who are posting this false picture. I am sure that not all of these sites are delberately being underhanded but they just don't know any better and don't double check their sources.

    Here is just a few sites that are using this picture but there are loads more of them too.

    Thanks for reading.

  9. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    I am trying to to vet this video. Does anyone have any facts about this?

    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nV26G2CucZo?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nV26G2CucZo?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

    It's a fake,i can see the strings holding the little balls up...Hi,hi,hi.

    Seriously elenin is now quite close to the sun and it's not showing that magnificent tail that comets do.

    Are those strings the beams of neutron stars...not i hope if so we gonna on a BBQ when it gonna be close to us


    i guess those strings are lens flare [​IMG]
  10. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Interview with russian Astronomer Leonid Elenin the discoverer of comet ELENIN

    Posted on May 13, 2011 by the truth behind the scenes| 35 Comments
    Full interview in Russian language of HTB NTV with the discoverer of comet C/2010 X1 aka ELENIN, astronomer Leonid Elenina. Below there’s a translation of the original interview’s transcription available in the Russian TV website. I used Google translator and fixed some syntax, but there are still some parts with nonsense phrasing:
    “Today, the rumors about the imminent end of the world, which have recently appeared more, fly around the world faster and faster. Thousands of residents of Rome, took everything of value out of their homes and fled from the city, scared by the prophecy of a terrible earthquake. Allegedly 100 years ago, an Italian self-taught astronomer, announced that on 2011, May 11th, the Italian city would be wiped off from the face of Earth.
    The source of global hysteria, the first in 20 years, is flying towards Earth – Comet Elenin – told the Russian astronomer. There’s massive discussion on the Internet, whether or not, alien spaceships are hiding behind it and approaching of Earth. The governments know this, but keep the information from the public.
    According to another version, the planet faces a collision with the comet. NTV correspondent Sergei Malozemoff, convinced by such popular rumors, has decided to seek answers in the scientific community.
    The Panic on the Internet began with a genuine snapshot, released by Argentine astronomers – few people paid attention to the date – April 1st. In the center – a comet with a symbol from 2010 X1 Elenin, and on each side, wrote the scientist, – something very much like two alien spacecraft. There it goes! – The viral end of the world on the ‘net.
    Roman Chelyuskin, chief editor of the blog service: “This issue continues to gain momentum. For instance, during the first week of May, the number of records of the comet Elenin are 30 times the number of posts that we made in April. “
    The name of Comet’s discoverer – Russian Leonid Elenina – was immediately transcribed as “Extinction Level Event” and “aliens from the planet Nibiru in November.” Even mentioned the name of the hero of the catastrophe blockbuster “Deep Impact”, Leo. All signs that there is no Comet Elenin. A secret world government hide the horror that awaits us.
    A simple search on the open scientific bases led NTV Group at the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Keldysh, where Leonid Yelenin works. NTV correspondent contacted him and was convinced that he is real.
    [​IMG]Strong handshake, no signs of hoax. Leonid Yelenin – 29 years, did study at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then worked as a Property Agent, and after the crisis has returned to his beloved science. He shows his college registers to everyone who doesn’t believe him. Complains: There’s someone else registered under his name in the Facebook. Translation: ( I appreciate if someone could provide a better and sharper translation.) http://www.ntv.ru/novosti/228648/
    Interviewer: “How do *letters come*?” (I couldn’t figure out what he did mean)
    Leonid Yelenin: “Well, in the last week, I came from USA and since then, in Russia they say: “We do not believe you. Show your passport.” Then I said: Why do I have to show something to you?” (Confused phrasing here)
    That was in December. Leonid has watched the sky on a remote connection through a telescope of his American colleagues in New Mexico, and – lucky! – Said This was
    a new comet with a 3 kilometers diameter. By international rules it was immediately named after his own name. About the notorious alien ships in the picture, there’s a prosaic explanation:
    Leonid Yelenin: “This is actually a star. Just under a certain process of adding a few frames from the velocity of the comet, these stars are pulled in tracks.(???) In principle, any astronomer should know about this. “
    Interviewer: “So the bright spot is smeared on night photography(???).
    Leonid Yelenin: “Yes, of course. The discovery of a comet was a dream to me, since childhood. Mission accomplished. Of course, I was happy and stuff. But now this (conspiracy) is happening about my comet. For instance, there are these
    hysteric letters like: “Leonid, tell us the truth. I sold my house and my family and I are leaving for the mountains.” The comet is absolutely safe for the Earth.
    It will be held at 34 million kilometers from Earth.”
    According to calculations Elenin X-1 passes the Earth in October. It will be seen with binoculars or through naked eye. **Then he touched a comet and the orbit of Mercury, if not dissipated** (absolutely confused phrasing), then goes away from the solar system. And we won’t it for another 12.000 years. Supporters of doomsday, I am sure it’s time to invent some other new theory, said the astronomer.”
    From c0nsp1racynutj0b : The Russian TV put a transcription available on its website, but Google translator definitely messed up the text and many parts have confused meaning. I’ve contacted the own Leonid, asking him for a translation of his interview, but he ditched me off, alleging to be “too busy”.

    How do you think about the interview with Leonid Elenin!!

    Source and author: c0nsp1racynutj0b (youtube)
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  11. bluejet

    bluejet เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    11 ธันวาคม 2008
    จากวีดิโอนี้ บอกว่า อิเลนิน เพิ่งโดนระเบิดในอวกาศ เปลี่ยนทิศไปแล้ว อาจจะเป็นผลงานของ มนดต.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZk5fobAnmI]Elenin Cosmic Explosion Changes Heading - YouTube[/ame]
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  12. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    ความตายของดาวหางอิลินิน - Part 1

    And so it begins: The Death of Comet Elenin - Part 1

    sydneystargazers | August 31, 2011 at 12:02 pm |
    Categories: Images through my Telescope |

    When we mentioned a few months ago that comet elenin was likely to be a disappointing comet, we did not know how true that was going to be.

    It has now been confirmed that comet elenin is disintegrating and the pictures coming from astronomers are showing just that. At this stage it appears that the nucleus of the comet has actually broken into 2 separate pieces or has completely disintegrated.

    In the last 12 days, Elenin is reported to have faded by as much as 80% and the latest findings show that Elenin is seen only as a smear and there is no sign of central condensation.

    When we talk about a comet's degree of condensation , we look at either the degree of condensation of the coma (atmosphere) or the degree of condensation of the nucleus.
    In this case ,we are talking about comet Elenin having no central condensation, in other words of the nucleus...... and this roughly means there is no nucleus.

    This has been measured by an E12 instrument which is used to gauge the level of condensation of a comet.
    Our next post will talk about why a comet that has been travelling the solar system for at least 11,000 years suddenly breaks up.

    As for the conspiracies created for this comet, we guess they will will have to find something else to worry about. Perhaps that is now why the title of Planet-X has been given to a comet due in 2013.

    The picture below shows the twelve days in the destruction of comet Elenin. In each of the 12 images, comet Elenin is the black shape in the center of the image.
    รูปข้างล่างนี้ ได้แสดงถึง 12 วันการสลายตัวของดาวหางอิลินิน ในแต่ละรูปของ 12 รูป ดาวหางอิลินินเป็นรูปร่างสีดำที่อยู่ใจกลางรูป


    The Death of Comet Elenin Part 1

    เมื่อเราพูดถึงดาวหางอิลินินเมื่อหลายเดือนก่อน เหมือนกับว่าเป็นดาวหางที่สร้างความผิดหวังให้มากๆ พวกเราไม่รู้ความจริงว่าอะไรจะเกิดขึ้น และตอนนี้ก็ได้รับการยืนยันว่าดาวหางอิลินินได้เริ่มๆ จางหายไปและได้รับคำยืนยันจากนักดาราศาสตร์หลายๆ คน และสถานปัจจุบัน ได้ปรากฎว่านิวเคลียสของดาวหางจริงๆ แตกออกเป็นสองส่วน หรือแยกกันโดยเด็ดขาด

    ในระยะเวลา 12 วัน อิลินินถูกรายงานว่ามันจางลงไปเกือบ 80% และ ตอนนี้ก็เห็นเป็นแค่รอยเล็กๆ และไม่มีทีท่าว่าจะมีความหนาแน่นตรงกลางเลย

    เมื่อเราพูดถึงความหนาแน่นของดาวหาง เราจะดูที่ความหนาแน่นของโคม่า (บรรยากาศ) หรือ ความหนาแน่นของนิวเคลียส ในกรณีนี้เราพูดถึงดาวหางอิลินินไม่มีความหนาแน่นตรงใจกลาง หรือ พูดอีกอย่างถึงนิวเคลียส และหมายความคร่าวๆ ว่า มันไม่มีนิวเคลียสเหลืออีกแล้ว อันนี้เราวัดจากเครื่องมือที่เรียกว่า E12 ซึ่งเป็นเครื่องมือวัดความหนาแน่นของดาวหาง

    ต่อไปพวกเราจะพูดถึงดาวหางนี้ ได้โคจรรอบๆ ระบบสุริยะของเราอย่างน้อย 11,000 ปี อยู่ดีๆ แตกออกไป

    พวกที่เริ่มพูดถึงดาวหางนี้ พวกเราคิดว่าพวกเค้าจะต้องไปหาบางสิ่งบางอย่างที่เป็นกังวล บางทีนั่นอาจเป็นเหตุผลว่า ทำไมตอนนี้ชื่อของ Planet-X ถูกหยิบยกขึ้นมา ว่าเป็นดาวหางที่จะมาถึงในปี 2013

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  13. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table class="ecxpost-details"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td valign="top">And so it begins: The Death of Comet Elenin – Part 2

    sydneystargazers | August 31, 2011 at 8:43 pm |
    Categories: Notes |

    </td></tr></tbody></table>We located an an image of comet Elenin from 48 hours ago and we have processed the image to highlight what we believe is the initial breakup of Elenin.
    The three white specks in our picture are what we believe to have been the initial broken pieces of Elenin's nucleus 2 days ago.
    If our image is correct, this means that Elenin's nucleus broke up initially into 3 pieces. Since then it appears those pieces have broken up into smaller pieces.
    We are still analyzing this picture further to confirm it shows the breakup.


    พวกเราได้เอารูปของดาวหางอิลินิน เมื่อ 48 ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว และก็ได้ทำการไฮไลท์รูปตรงที่เราเชื่อว่ามันจะเป็นจุดเริ่มต้นของการแตกของอิลินิน
    สามจุดในรูป คือ สิ่งที่พวกเราเชื่อว่ามันจะเป็นจุดเริ่มของการแตกออกเป็นเสี่ยงๆ ของนิวเคลียสของอิลินินเมื่อ 2 วันที่ผ่านมา ถ้ารูปของเราถูกต้อง นั่นหมายความว่านิวเคลียสจะแตกออกเป็นสามชิ้น และตั้งแต่บัดนั้นราวกับว่าชิ้นต่างๆ พวกนั้นได้ถูกแยกออกเป็นชิ้นเล็กๆ อีก
    พวกเรายังจะวิเคราะห์ รูปต่อไปเพื่อจะยืนยันว่ามันแสดงถึงการแตกออกเป็นเสี่ยงนี้
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  14. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNbogW-k_e8&feature=channel_video_title"]Elenin Explosion WMD 08302011[/ame]
    From: TheMaverickSpartan | Aug 30, 2011 | 301 views
    Possible WMD causes Elenin to change direction she is still in tact.
    Be aware sun did not cause explosion. Sun on opposite side could not was not the source of explosion. This video proved explosion caused by non natural event. United States attempts to blow up Elenin failure.

    ALERT Missing time from Satellite HI1-A from 8/23 14:09:01 to 8/26 01:05:01 hours. HI1-A Satellite had a perfect line of sight to view the detonation in space to upset Elenin's flight path. This footage was truncated out.
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 31 สิงหาคม 2011
  15. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Leonid Elenin Confirms Comet Disintegration
    sydneystargazers | August 31, 2011 at 10:38 pm |
    Categories: Notes |

    Leonid Elenin

    On his site, Leonid Elenin has left some comments where he confirms that comet elenin has indeed broken up and that the debris of the comet will not be a danger to the Earth as it will be too far out.

    Leonid tells us that the breakup of Elenin is similar to the breakup of comet C/1999 S4.

    C/1999 S4 is a comet which broke up in July 2000.
    Leonid Elenin will make an announcment on what is happening with Comet Elenin on his site soon.
  16. Be Cool

    Be Cool เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    5 สิงหาคม 2011
    ถ้ามนุษย์ต่างดาวช่วยทำลายอีลินิน น่าจะช่วยยิงนิบิรุอีกดวง
    โลกจะได้ปลอดภัย ถ้าจะช่วยน่าจะช่วยให้ตลอดนะ
  17. Soul Collector

    Soul Collector เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    8 มกราคม 2011
    ผมโหลดวีดีโอจากกัปตันบิล,มิทธิ,การตอบคำถามระหว่างมนุษย์กับมนุษย์ดาวแอนโดรมิด้าครบทุกตอน นี่ก็ดูมาถึงตอนที่๓๐แล้วเหลืออีก๒๙ตอน -*- ผมว่าของจริง (ไนบิรู) มาแน่เริ่มเดือนกันยายน ๒๐๑๑ นี้แน่นอน อดใจ,ทำใจและเตรียมพร้อมรับชมได้เลย น่าเสียดายคืนนี้ที่สามพรานฟ้าปิดมีแต่ก้อนเมฆสีดำ เมื่อกี้ฝนก็ลงเม็ดอีกเลยอดชมท้องฟ้าเลย --" แต่อย่าเพิ่งถอดใจไปเสียก่อนล่ะครับ (ของจริงกำลังจะเริ่มต้นเท่านั้น ดูกันไปยาวๆ ^_^) กัปตันบิลเขาบอกว่าเอลีนินก็คือบลูคาชิน่าของชนเผ่าอินเดียแดงโฮพิและไนบิรูก็คือเรดคาชิน่าของพวกเขานั่นเอง
  18. Poohrich Assawanuwat

    Poohrich Assawanuwat เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    26 เมษายน 2008
    ฃักสงสัย อยู่ดี ๆ หายตัวไปเอง

    AFIKLIFI๋ Active Member

    8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011

  20. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    เสียงที่ตรวจจับได้จากดาวหางอิลินิน ลองฟังดูเหมือนเสียงสัตว์ประหลาดเลย

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=botzv3vy_CE&feature=player_detailpage]ELENIN - August 2011.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

